Hatching Eggs
Our Fertilized Hatching Eggs are chosen from our Purebred Heritage Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens and Guinea Fowl Hens. All of our Breeds have been chosen for their superior ability to adapt to a changing environment and climate and are perfectly suited for a sustainable and holistic farm setting of mixed farm animals. For our Hatching Eggs, we only use Eggs that are the cleanest and freshest from our Purebred Hens. Orders are filled with Eggs that are less than 24 hours old and are packed and shipped on the same day. Because we do not separate our Breeds our Hatching Eggs, Chicks and Pullets have a 50% chance of being a mixed breed offspring. If you are only interested in Pure breeds we do sell Mating Adults that are 100% Pure Heritage Breeds. Our Heritage Turkey Breeds consist of Bourbon Red, Chocolate, Midget White and Blue Slate. Our Heritage Chicken Breeds all lay Brown Eggs and consists of Buff Orpingtons, Black (Jersey) Giants and Barred Rocks. Our Ducks consists of Fawn and White Indian Runners and Welsh Harlequin Ducks. We do not raise any hybrid or commercial breeds on our Farm so all of our Poultry (even the mixed breed birds) have only Heritage Genetics. Our Eggs are available from March through June and are shipped USPS Priority Mail. We ship all eggs insured so please report any losses to post office immediately upon arrival.